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Multiple type questions based on crops up tet c tet super tet

              Multiple Choice Questions

1- All animals are-
a- Parasitic
b- Saprophytic 
c- Autotrophic 
d- Heterotrophic 

2-Which is the most important source of food and fodder ? 

3-Application of nitrogenous manure to a plant causes 
a-Vigorous vegetative growth
b-early flowering
c-Early fruiting
d-Growth retardation due to toxicity of NHჳ

4-The element which is required in largest quantity by plants is

5-Nodules with nitrogen-fixing bacteria are present in  

6-Plants can be made disease-resistant by
 a-Heat treatment
b-Hormone treatment
c-Colchicine treatment
d-Breeding with their wild relatives

7-The process of cross breeding two different varieties of crop plants each having a desired characteristic, is known as

8-Milk does not provide
a-Vitamin A and D
b-Carbohydrates, proteins , fats
c-Minerals such as Phosphorus and calcium

9-Which of the following statement is correct about fertilizer.
a-It is a nutrient specific
b-It is water insoluble
c-It is readily absorbed by the plant
d-It is compact and easy to transfer

10-Which of the following is incorrect for greenmanure
a-It is supplies organic matter
b-It supplies nitrogen
c-It prevents soil erosion
d-It allows leaching

11-When both crops and livestock are raised on the same farm, it is known as
a-Mixed farming
b-Mixed cropping
c-Inter cropping
d-Crop rotation

12-Living organisms are used in
a-Organic manure
c-Natural insecticides

13-The principal cereal crop of India is

14-Gundi bug is a pest of

15-Which of the following have been artificially selected ?
d-All of these

16-Karanti, Pysa agarni and pusa bold are improved varieties of
a-Urad beam
d-chick pea

17-Whoch of the following is not a draught animal ?

18-Which of yhe following is a leguminous green fodder commonly  available in winter ?
 a-Cow pea
b-Elephant grass
c-berseem and lucerne
d-rice and jowar

19-Which one of the following is a micronutrient ?

20-Sustainable agriculture involves

a-Mixed farming
b-Crop rotation
c-Mixed cropping
d-All of these

21-which of the following is broad leaf weed ?
d-All of these

22-Weed affect the crop plants by

a-killing of the plants in field before they grow
b-dominating the plants to grow
c-competing for various resources of crops (plants) causing low availability of nutrients
d-All the above

23-Find out the correct sentence

i-Hybridization means crossing between genetically dissimilar plants
ii-Cross between two varieties is called as inter-specific hybridisation
iii-introducing genes of desired characters into a plant gives genetically modified crop iv-cross between plants of two species is called as inter varietal hybridization
a-i & iii b-ii & iv c-ii & iii d-iii & iv

24-Which one of the following species of honey bee is an Italian species ?

a-Apis mellifera
bApis dorsata
c-Apis florae
d-Apis cerana indica

25-Which of the following is Indian cattle ?
a-Bos indicus
b-Bos domestica
c-Bos bubalis
d-Bos vulgaris


1-d 2-d 3-a 4-d 5-c 6-d 7-b 8-d 9-b 10-d 11-a 12-b 13-b 14-d 15-d 16-c 17-b 18-c 19-d 20-d 21-d 22-c 23-a 24-a 25-a


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