Matter in our surroundings
- Matter is anything that has mass and occupies space.
- S.I. unit of mass and volume is kilograme and cubic metre (m3). respectively.
- Matter can be classified into two groups based on the physical and chemical properties.
- On the basis of physucal properties matter can be divided into gas, liquid and solid.
- On the bases of chemical properties matter can be divided into Elements , Compound and mixture.
- Solid has fixed shape and volume.
- Liquid do not have fixed shape.
- Gas has neither fixed volume nor shape.
- Every matter is composed of certain particles which are differ in shape ,size and Volume.
11-States of matter can be interchanged by changing its temperature or pressure.
Some important definitions
1-Diffusion- When the particles of the matter of higher concentration move to the the matter of lower concentration. This event is called Diffusion.
2-Fusion- When the temperature of solid substance is increased, the solid get melt and solid and start to be converted into liqiid This is called fusion. It happens at a specific or particular temperature for a particular solid.
3-Boiling- The conversion of liquid state to vapour form at a particular temperature is called Boiling. for eg. Water is converted into vapour state at 100º It is a bulk phenomenon.
4-Freezing- The conversion of liquid to the solid at a particular temperature is called Freezing For eg Water is converted into solid(snow) at 0º temp.
5-Evapourization-The conversion of liquid to its vapour state is called evapourization. It also takes place at a all temperature. for eg. Water is converted into gaseous state at a temp of 100º ,29º,50º etc.
6-Condensation-Condensation is a process in which a gas can be converted into liquid .
or we can say conversion of matter from its gaseous state to liquid state is called Condensation.
7-Sublimation- Sublimation is an event in which any solid is changed into its vapour form without changing into liquid on heating and vice-versa on coolong. eg camphor and Ammonium chloride(NHկCl).
8-Latent heat-The heat energy which has to be supplied to change the state of substance is called is called Latent heat.
9-Latent heat of vapourization -It is the heat energy required to hange 1 kg. of a liquid to gas at atmospheric pressure at its boiling point.
10-Latent heat of Fusion- It is the heat required to change 1 kg. of solid into liquid at its melting point.
besides Solid, liquid, gas Scientists have discovered some more states of matter eg. Plasma and Bose Instein Condensate.
Plasma state consists of super energetic and super-excited particles.
Sun and star glow because of presence of plasma in them.
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