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Exceptional Children

                         Exceptional Children

Who are Exceptional Children?

 The meaning of exceptional children is the children Which are away from normality. it means the exceptional children do that is not done by the normal children. They are generally away from normal behaviour of the normal children.

So we can say that exceptional children may be the extra-ordinary talented children or backward children in any work or education field....

 According to Crow and Crow-

"The term 'exceptional' is applied to a trait or to a person possessing trait up to the extent of deviation from normal possession of the trait so great that because of it the individual warrants or receives special attention from his fellows and his behaviour responses and activities are thereby affected."

According to Jersild, Telford and Sawarey-

"The term exceptional is commonly applied to the children who differ notably from the average children"

According to W.M. Cruikshank-

"An exceptional child is he who deviates physically, intellectually and socially so markedly from normal growth and development that he can not be benefited from regular classroom programme and needs special treatment in school"

According to kirk-

"An exceptional child is he who deviates from the normal or average children in mental, physocal and social characteristics to such as extent that he requires modification of school practises or special educational services or supplementary instruction in order to develop to his maximum capacity."

on the bases of the above definitions we can say that the exceptional children possess the following characteristics ...
1-Exceptional children are deviated from normality.
2-These are not like average skilled children.
3-Exceptional children deviates physically,
mentally, emotionally and socially from normal growth and development.
4-Exceptional children can not be benefited from regular classroom teaching programmes because they think something special and do work away from normality.
5-Exceptional children requires modification in the schools practises and they have different needs to maximise their abilities.
6-Exceptional child belongs to both the extremes of physical, mental, social, emotional and educational achievement.

Kinds of Exceptional Children-

1-Backward Children
2-Mentally Retarded Children
4-Gifted Children 

Backward Children

The Children who fall at lower extreme of the normal distribution of educational attainment trait are known as backward. 

The cause of backwardness may be due to heredity and environmental factors. Retardation of backward children may be categorised into two types...
1-Mental retardation
2- Educational retardation
These children can not be benefited through the normal classroom programmes like normal or average students. So they are deviated from their classmates in the class in school achievements.

Test for identification of backward children

Backward Children may be identified through the following tests...

Group Test- In the group test, IQ of students can be measured by  administering
intelligence tests.

Achievement Tests-  Objective tests are administered to know the achievements of the children in the field of education. On the basis of these results, backwardness may be identified.

Individual Intelligence Test-Apart from group tests, the individual tests regarding intelligence to the selected children are given. This reveals the level of their intelligence.

Mentally Retarded Children-

Mentally retarded children can be identified on the basis of achievement tests  and intelligence tests.

Characteristics of Mental Retarded Children

  1. They lack in abstract thinking.
  2. They are v weak in learning.
  3. Their vocabulary is not correct that is defective.
 4.Their emotional balance is not good.
 5.They may be delinquent.
 6.They are weak in paying attention in any       work.
 7.They lag behind in physical development.
 8.They have limited interest in any work.
 9.They lack in originality.

The characteristics of Delinquents-

We can recognise the delinquents by the following characteristics.

  1. The are generally deviated from Social rules and ideals.
  2. These children are not abnormal but their thinking, feelings, needs and hopes remain suppressed and theses are to be understood compulsorily to escape from any harm.
  3. They roam randomly.
 4.The general crimes made by them may be stealing, smoking, telling a lie, beating or quarrelling and sex habits etc.

Gifted Children-

For the identification of the talented students or gifted children the following methods may be used -...

  • Intellectual Tests.
  • Achievement Tests.
  • Aptitude Tests.
  • Information from teacher  parents and friends.
  • Cumulative Records Cards.
Characteristics of Gifted children

1-These children learn very fast and conveniently.
2-Their thinking is very clear.
3-They use general intelligence but in a very efficient manner.
4- They believe in understanding, So give the answer of a question in right and appropriate manner.
5- They are capable of doing difficult task in a v simple manner.
6-Their thinking is quite and genuine.

Education of Backward Children-

1-The children should be kept separate from the normal children, the teacher can pay special attention towards these.

Backward children

                   Creative Children

Creativity is universal. Everyone performs ots creativity in his childhood in one form or other form but do not retain or develop it afterwards. It is yrue that every child is not creative equally.  Infact the creative nature is undeveloped due to right guidance to them, So losing of creative nature of the child becomes his shortcoming. He needs the true teaching to be remain creative and suitable to him environment was also necessory. It is also essential that teacher has an ability to teach the child so that he may be creative.

Identification of Creative Children

1-Creativity is not giftedness. So every gifted child should not be treated as creative.
2-The behaviour of child shpows that is he creative or not.
we can determine the creative nature of a child by the following methods
1-Using creativity test.
2-Using othermeans to measure behaviour.


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